Second Part of Puccini Previously Unpublished Letters on "La Fanciulla del West".
In the second ICAMus publication of previously unknown autograph correspondence of Giacomo Puccini related to La Fanciulla del West, discovered by Aloma Bardi at the Library of Congress (Unpublished Correspondence of Giacomo Puccini - BOX 1) ten more letters written between 1906 and 1912 are here published, transcribed, annotated and with a Foreword by Puccini scholar Barbara Boganini.

Read and download also the first part of Giacomo Puccini's newly discovered letters on La Fanciulla del West in the ICAMus Archive:
Puccini, the United States and the Years of “La Fanciulla”: Previously Unpublished Correspondence of Giacomo Puccini to George Maxwell; With a Letter to Carlo Clausetti.
Discovered by Aloma Bardi at the Library of Congress;
Published and Annotated, With a Foreword, by Barbara Boganini.