A new exhibition at the American Music Center Prato, honoring the Rhapsody in Blue Centennial, curated by Prof. Paolo Somigli.
Professor Paolo Somigli, a musicologist and longtime collaborator of ICAMus, assisted by the Center’s librarian, Paolo Belli, has curated an exhibit showcasing music scores, landmarks of musicological and biographical interpretation of Gershwin and the Rhapsody, and recordings, including fascinating collector’s items. “Rhapsody in Blue: cent’anni di un capolavoro [100 years of a masterpiece] ” honors the centennial of one of the most influential and beloved American musical compositions of all time. On display September 18, 2024-February 12, 2025; open Mon-Fri, library office hours; Centro di Documentazione sulla Musica Americana, Palazzo della Musica, Via Santa Trinita 2, Prato, Italy.